
Can Dogs Eat Jicama?

can dogs eat jicama

As a dog owner, you always want to make sure your pup eats a healthy diet. 

So you may have wondered: “Can dogs eat jicama?” This root vegetable is a popular snack for humans, but can your dog eat jicama too? 

In this article, we’ll dive into the safety and potential benefits of feeding jicama to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Jicama Safely? 

Yes, dogs can safely eat the inner white flesh of jicama in moderation … as long as it is properly prepared and given in appropriate portions. 

Caution: the skin, seeds, leaves and stems of jicama are toxic to dogs. So raw jicama should always be peeled and sliced into small pieces with the seeds removed to prevent toxicity, as well as choking hazards and digestive issues.

What Happens When A Dog Eats Jicama? 

If your dog eats the flesh of jicama in moderation, nothing bad should happen. Jicama is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that promotes healthy digestion in dogs, as well as other benefits we’ll get into below. 

However, excessive amounts of jicama may cause gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Also, the seeds, skin, leaves and stems of jicama should not be fed to dogs. These parts of the plant may contain rotenone (a naturally occurring pesticide) and the mineral selenium, which could cause toxic reactions. 

Risks Of Jicama For Dogs 

The risks of jicama for dogs are only if your dog eats the stems, seeds, skin, and leaves of this vegetable. If your dog eats only the flesh of jicama, he should be fine. 

However, these other parts of the plant contain a natural toxin called rotenone, which can be harmful to dogs if eaten  in large quantities. Rotenone can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and neurological symptoms in dogs. 

Jicama can also contain high levels of the mineral selenium, especially in the stems and leaves. Although unlikely your dog could get selenium toxicity from natural selenium, don’t let your dog these parts of the plant, especially in large amounts. Selenium toxicity is more common from synthetic selenium like sodium selenite, and can cause hair loss, lethargy, and gastrointestinal problems in dogs. 

That’s why, to prevent any potential health issues, it’s important to peel and remove any stems, leaves, skin, and seeds from jicama before feeding it to your dog.

Benefits Of Jicama For Dogs 

With the risks out of the way, it’s worth noting that jicama does have its benefits for dogs too. 

Jicama contains high amounts of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and support a healthy immune system. The root vegetable is also rich in dietary fiber, which can aid digestion and promote healthy bowel movements.

Jicama is also low in calories, making it an ideal snack for dogs that are overweight or on a weight loss diet. It’s a great alternative to other high-calorie treats that can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Jicama’s rich potassium levels mean it can also help support healthy heart function and regulate blood pressure levels. Additionally, vitamin C, another nutrient found in Jicama, can help boost your dog’s skin and coat health by assisting with collagen production. 

RELATED: The benefits of antioxidants for dogs …

How To Feed Your Dog Jicama

Now that you know the benefits and risks of feeding your dog jicama, here’s how to do so safely. 

  1. Start Slowly: Just like with any new food, introduce jicama to your dog’s diet slowly. Begin with a small piece and watch for any adverse reactions.
  2. Preparation: Be sure to wash jicama thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides that may be on the skin. Peel the skin, remove any seeds, stems, or leaves (remember, these are all toxic) and cut the white flesh of the jicama into small, bite-sized pieces.
  3. Portion Control: Jicama should be fed to your dog in moderation. While it may be low in calories, feeding your dog too much jicama can cause digestive upset (and flatulence!). 
  4. Mix It Up: To make jicama more palatable, you can consider mixing it with your dog’s regular food or other fruits and vegetables. You can also freeze jicama slices to create a refreshing and healthy treat on a hot day.
  5. Watch For Digestive Issues: Keep an eye on your dog for any digestive issues after feeding him jicama. If you notice any vomiting, diarrhea, or other unusual symptoms, stop feeding jicama and contact your holistic vet.

As long as you stick to the tips above, you can safely introduce jicama into your dog’s diet as a healthy and nutritious snack option.

Bottom Line | Can Dogs Eat Jicama?

To sum up, dogs can safely eat properly prepared jicama in moderation, but it’s important to remove any harmful parts such as the skin, seeds, leaves, and stems, as they may contain toxic compounds. 

Jicama can provide health benefits such as antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, but it’s still important to introduce it slowly and monitor for any digestive issues.


Here are some of the other common questions we get from dog owners about feeding a dog jicama…

Can Dogs Eat Raw Jicama?

Yes, dogs can eat raw jicama, but it’s important to prepare it properly and remove any harmful parts, including the skin, leaves, stems, and seeds.

Can Dogs Eat Fresh Jicama?

Yes, fresh jicama is safe for dogs to eat as long as it’s properly prepared (the skin, leaves, stems, and seeds should be removed).

Can Dogs Eat Jicama Skin?

No, it’s best to remove the skin, leaves, stems, and seeds of jicama before giving it to your dog as these can be difficult to digest and may contain harmful toxins.

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